Ensuing events have confirmed the suspicions that arose at the time: the changes that came in the wake of the terror have been forever, and not for better.
Humanity's last reasonable hope for peace and prosperity was dashed. The last real President of the United States was dead. And all the rest has been decline and fall.
John F. Kennedy wasn't perfect -- not by any means. But he was brilliant, compassionate, hopeful of a brighter future for humanity, and willing to fight for that future.
Alone he stood between the American warmongers and their goal of establishing an endless quagmire in Vietnam. He chided the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs in private; in public he did the same thing, but more subtly.
All the world wept at the news of his death -- all except for the most vicious and ignorant parts of it, which lie deep in the heart of the Confederacy.
In retrospect, there can be no doubt that the assassination of John F. Kennedy was an inside job, a military coup d'etat, the beginning of the end of America as it once could have been.
A year ago I wrote a three-part series which I hope all my readers will revisit -- or read for the first time.
[1] Two Conspiracies, No Theories
Although I rarely write about it, I probably know more about the murder of John F. Kennedy than I do about any other historical event.[2] The Coverup Continues: 'JFK Was A Hawk' And Other Stories
And it's difficult for me not to notice the parallels between that national tragedy and the other one, the more recent one.
Noticing these parallels makes me a multiple-conspiracy theorist, a moonbat lunatard leftwit nutball and so on, according to the keepers of the imperial gates. So be it.
My recent post about the JFK assassination, "Two Conspiracies, No Theories", made distinctions between the plot to kill the President and the plot to hide the crime, and it drew a further distinction between the plot to hide the crime and the coverup itself.[3] 'Better Than Doyle': Camouflage In The JFK Assassination Would Have Fooled Sherlock
The coverup, I argued, was (is!) much bigger than the plot to hide the crime. I used Walter Cronkite as an example; as I understand it, he wasn't "in on" the plot to hide the crime; he was simply part of the coverup: getting bad information and passing it on.
Many others assisted the coverup without being part of any conspiracy. Lies were fed into the echo chamber, so to speak, and when they came out the other end they were absorbed by millions, who passed them on, and continue to do so.
Forty-four years ago, it was relatively easy to get an open shot at the President of the United States, as long as you didn't mind getting caught. John F. Kennedy, the 35th President, used to wander into crowds to shake hands, and there were no metal detectors at the gates. Quite often there were no gates.
But if you wanted to shoot the President and get away with it, your task was more difficult. And the men behind the coup that shook the world forty-four years ago were not about to risk getting caught.
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