Thursday, June 9, 2011

Green Acres 2011

LG recently moved, which mostly explains why he's been so negligent lately with his blogging.  His computer isn't fully set up and his home office is far from unpacked. 

That's not LG and his new wife pictured above us (you probably recognize the "Green Acres" characters), but, in a way, it's a good representation. 

For the vast majority of the last 25 years, LG has lived in New York, Boston or San Francisco.  He's now living in The Sticks.  Well, not exactly The Sticks, but only a stone's throw from The Sticks. 

Let's play a little game.  See if you can spot the differences in the two photos below.  It will be tough, so get your thinking cap on and look for every subtle nuance. Feel free to use a magnifying glass if need be.

Here's LG's old neighborhood in Manhattan, the one he just left:

And here's the scene just down the road from his house in his new neighborhood:

Can you see any differences?  Look again, more closely.  Many people fail to see the discrepancies until studying the photos for a while.  

OK, OK, LG will tell you:  The tavern, cars, people, buildings and most signs of civilization are missing from the second photo.  Takes you a while to pick up on that, no?  The location of the first photo actually looked EXACTLY like the location of the second photo at one time.  That was in the year 1524. 

But, of course, LG moved here to be with his True Love, and that makes it all worthwhile.

Whereas LG used to walk out his front door and see a row of neatly-kept brownstone buildings and a plethora of pedestrians, here's his new front door view:

Let's hope those neighbors in the far distance don't throw any loud and wild parties.  Actually, let's hope they do...

So be forewarned readers:  Some of the blog's postings will now change from the viewpoint of a single, sophisticated and cosmopolitan city dweller (the old LG) to the married, displaced urbanite making his way in suburbia (the new and improved LG.)  Should be fun.  And LG is looking forward to it, of course, otherwise he wouldn't have made the big move.

Well, that's it for today, LG needs to run, he hears the phone ringing.  We hope to see you back here again soon!



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